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Constitution of Urside


State Structure


Art 1.1 URSIDE is a Autonomous Zone. The state structure is an hybrid of  a like minded tribes with inspiration of the Native Americans, a constitutional monarchy (in the form of a Margrave just to keep nobility titles) and some aspect of an anarchist community based of mutual partecipation. It may seem contradictory, but it is not. The community is practically an anarchist nation where the roles are chosen through the meritocracy and through the assumption of responsibility of each one. Whoever covers a role is because he wants to do it and takes the burden of it. A.Z.UR. it is not a type of tyranny, hegemonic, hierarchical and liberticidal micronation, the soul is libertarian and the references of a chivalrous nature are proposed in an absolutely dadaistic way.

ART 1.2.  The Grans Marquis (or Regent) is the official representative of the micronation and he has several constitutional powers like the appointment of ministers or ambassadors, signing treaties, attend official meetings and receptions. He always works in agreement with citizens.


Art 1.3 URSIDE is located in via Materdomini 94, Mariglianella, a little town near the cities of Naples, Nola and Pomigliano d'Arco

Art 1.4 Although the micronation is formally a constitutional monarchy, every citizen of any rank and social position is part of the Grand Council of URSIDE as an aspect of of an anarchist community based of mutual partecipation and aid. Although formally there are noble titles, roles or sectors in which regent, ministers and ambassadors (as well as citizens) operate, in the Urside micronation there are no formal hierarchies, those who want to take on a role do so by taking on their responsibilities, not to boss or to receive any facilitation.

Art  1.5 Although the nomination and final decisions on government matters of Urside are by the Grand Marquis (or Regent), all citizens are invited to contribute in the decision-making choices of the micronation. Every citizen has the same weight as every minister or ambassador during the decision-making phases. To be clearer, decisions are made between citizens, ministers, ambassadors and regent through the organ of the Grand Council of Urside, any egomony of any kind is prohibited.



Our mission

Art 2.1 The practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals, organizations and government itself works to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment.




Diplomatic relations 

Art 3.1 The requesting micronation must be in existence for at least 2 years. In addition, the micronation must not have drastically changed their government style within the past year.


Art 3.2 The micronation must have a website with clear and truthful information (population, goals, territory).


Art. 3.3 The micronation cannot claim an entire population without the people’s knowledge. (must have real members)


Art 3.4 The micronation is not obligated to exist in real life: countries with a fictional history, population or claims on virtual maps or imaginary worlds on the internet are not micronationalism but geofiction, but since we are an inclusive micronation, every micronation that is more geofictional than real have to be analized before signing the agreement.


Art 3.5 Urside  will not engage in diplomacy with micronations that declare war on each other. But It will defend itself if attacked


Art 3.6 The basic principle in micronationalism is that you always represent your nation. Any micronation that acts in an unprofessional and disrespectful manner in the micronational community will not be approved.


Art 3.7 The micronation does not target legally protected groups, such as the LGBTQ+ or has concerns with certain religions, races or sexual preferences.


Art 3.8 Climate change denial is illegal in Urside. Micronations who minimalize the effects of global warming or calling climate change a hoax, will not be approved.


Art 3.9 Micronations which apply for diplomatic relations must complete truthfully the fact sheet on the Urside website. This will be the basis for the assessment of their request.


Art 3.10 Urside ever interferes in internal affairs of other micronations or in micronational conflicts. But we hold a great importance to diplomacy, respect and behaviour in the micronational community. A Withdrawal of recognition of a micronation happens  if the micronation have actions  of undiplomatic and aggressive behaviour, hate speech, homophobia, censorship, racism, endorsements to any authoriatarian ideology or publication of fake news.




The Ursidaes (citizen of the Autonomous Zone Of Urside) and their rights


Art 4.1 All Ursidaes are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of respect and equality.


Art 4.2 Each Ursidaes is entitled to the rights and freedoms set forth in this Constitution, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, sexuality, gender, socioeconomic status, disability status or other status.


Art 4.3 Each Ursidaes has the right to life, liberty, and the security of their person.


Art 4.4 No one shall be held in slavery or involuntary servitude. Slavery and the slave trade in all their forms are abolished.


Art 4.5 No one shall be subjected to torture, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment.


Art 4.6 Every Ursidaes has, wherever they are, the right to be recognized as a person before the law.


Art 4.7 Every Ursidaes is equally entitled to a fair and public hearing by an impartial tribunal in the determination of their rights and obligations and to determine the merits of a criminal charge against them.


Art. 4.7.5  Because the Urside is not legally recognized internationally, the law of the country of origin of the Ursidaes holds precedence over Ursidaes law.


Art 4.8 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with their privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon their honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to protection by the law against such interference or attacks.


Art 4.9 Without any restriction due to race, nationality, or religion, men, women and those who identify as a third or different gender of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage, and at its dissolution.


Art 4.10 Marriage shall be entered into with the free and full consent of both spouses.


Art 4.11 The family, regardless of makeup or quantity of members, is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and by the State.


Art 4.12 Every Ursidaes has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.


Art 4.13 No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of their property.


Art 4.14 Every Ursidaes has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, provided it does not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. This right includes freedom to change one’s religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest their religion or to confess belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance of religious commandments and regulations.


Art 4.15 Every Ursidaes has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers, provided it does not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others.


Art 4.16 Every Ursidaes has the right to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.


Art 4.17 Every Ursidaes is entitled to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which they are the creator.


Art 4.18 In the exercise of their rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and to meet the just requirements of morality, public order, and the general welfare in a democratic society.


Art 4.18.5 Because the Urisde  is not legally recognized internationally, the law of the country of origin of the Urside holds precedence over Ursidaes law.


Application for citizenship


Art 4.19 Because the Urside is not legally recognized internationally, the candidate for citizenship accepts that Ursidaes citizenship does not supersede their present nationality.


Art 4.20 Because the Urside is not recognized in international law, it cannot be held accountable in relation to citizenship or documents of the country of origin.


Art 4.21 The candidate for citizenship accepts that they may at any time renounce their citizenship, provided they notify by letter to the sovereign.


Art 4.22 The candidate for citizenship shall provide through the Ursidaes website a document in which the candidate promises that all provided information is accurate and that they agree to the following conditions: ï‚· Ursidaes citizenship is subject to the laws of the country of origin and international law. Ursidaes citizenship is not to be used in any way on official travel documents. ï‚· Ursidaes citizenship is held with pride. Intolerant behavior, such as racism, and illegal activities that may harm the image of Flandrensis shall result in the revocation of Ursidaes citizenship by the sovereign. ï‚· To pledge to protect the earth and respect the environment and all living things. ï‚· To understand the legal difference between a micronation and an official recognized country.


Art 4.23 Only Ursidaes identity cards or certificates issued by the  Autonomous Zone Of Urside are valid. All third-party documents regarding Ursidaes citizenship are illegal.


Freedom of religion


Art 4.24  The Autonomous Zone Of Urside is proudly anti-clerical, any person wants to promote lobbistic, reactionary and bigotry manners using the Urside Banner will expelled and the citizenship revoked immediately.


Art 4.25 The Autonomous Zone of Urside recognizes all religions. Religion is defined as "any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, a philosophy of life, and a worldview."


Art 4.25 § 1 Ursidaes opposes all forms of fundamentalism and religious groups that discriminate against others.



Rights and obligations


Art 5.1 The Grand Marquis (hereinafter: the Regent) is the official head of state.   The founder of the Autonomous Zone Of Urside is Graziano Ciccarelli


rt 5.2 The regent is inviolable, he cannot be forced to resign the throne.


Art 5.3 The Regent, or his appointed representative, is empowered to sign treaties with other nations. 


Art 5.4 The Regent appoints and dismisses his ministers.


Art 5.5 The Regent is the commander-in-chief and bestows military ranks.


Art 5.6 The Regent appoints and dismisses ambassadors.


Art 5.7 The Regent has the right to implement and produce currency.


Art 5.8 The Regent and all citizens of the Autonomous Zone Of Urside are part of the Grand Council of Urside.


Art 5.9 The Regent has the right to bestow title of nobility, military orders and heraldic titles


Art 5.10 The Regent and members of the royal family have no right to financial provisions from the Government.


Art 5.11 A piece of legislation to become law, it reguires that the Regent give is Royal Assent, which can be given by his person verbally in writing, or through the affixing of his seal or by his signature.


The throne


Art 5.12 The constitutional powers of the Regent are through the natural and legitimate offspring of the direct line of Grand Marquis Graziano I of Urside


Art 5.13 After the dead of the Regent the successor will be elected by a special royal college that consists out of all members of the royal family,


Art 5.14 If, after the death of the Regent, no successor has been officially appointed; the Throne remains vacant, and the administration of the A.Z.UR. goes to the Bardo's Regent as mutual respect of being part of the Archipelago.

Art 5.15 The Regent carries no crown or other royal regalia. The Regent and members of the royal family have the right to wear  the national colors of Urside



Art 6.1 The Regent is responsible for the legislation in all A.Z.UR. territories. The Regent is supported and advised by the Grand Council Of Urside 

The Grand Council consists of Ministers who are appointed by the Regent, and also  the partecipation of all the citizen is encourged even if them (instead of Ministries and Ambassadors,) have not obligation and no duties. Every decision discussed have to be approved by the Regent itself.


Art 6.2 The Grand Council shall ensure the immediate civilian, democratic, transparent, and efficient exercise of its powers. It shall involve to the extent possible the public with policy, and ensure open democracy. The Grand Council consists in : The Grand Marquis, The Chancellor, the Ministries and the people.


Art 6.3 The The Grand Council consists of a number of members who are active Ursidaes and are willing to spend time in consultation together. They are appointed by the Regent according to Art. 5.13


Art 6.4 The The Grand Council is the executive power in A.Z.UR. The The Grand Council is above all a chamber of reflection, where important social problems are examined.


Art 6.5 A Minister who wishes to resign their mandate shall inform the Chancellor in writing. The resignation is final as soon as the Regent informed of it. Ministers


Art 6.6 The The Grand Council can exist out of Ursidaes with an official function: the “Chancellor”, the “Minister of Internal Affairs”, the “Minister of Media & Communication”, the “Minister of Multimedia”, the “Minister of Finances & Economy”, the “Minister of  affairs, environment & climate change”, the “Minister of Culture”, the “Minister of Justice, Human Rights, Diversity” and the Minister of Foreign Affairs” with the active partecipation of the people . 

The The Grand Council can also exist out of a “Herald” and a “Chamberlain” and the Regent can enlarge the The Grand Council with Ministers without portfolio. The Regent , may appoint any minister as he sees fit. For any determined period.


Art 6.7 The powers of the Ministers are: ï‚· To implement decisions of the The Grand Council according to their portfolio; ï‚· To determine whether decisions made are appropriate to be implemented by the assigned minister. Functioning of  The Grand Council


Art 6.8 The Regent is the Chairman of the The Grand Council and has the right to delegate this office to the Chancellor a Minister of his choice.


Art. 6.9 The Chairman of the The Grand Council determines to convene the The Grand Council and the agenda of the meeting. Ministers may add business to the agenda at least two days before the meeting. To this end, they deliver their proposal to the Secretary.


Art 6.10 The announcement of a meeting of the The Grand Council shall state at least the place, date, time and agenda of the meeting and include and list the proposals to be presented. The agenda must be sufficiently clear. Each item on the agenda shall be made available to all Ministers


Art 6.11 The Chairman of the The Grand Council chairs its meetings and declares them open and closed.


Art 6.12 Each meeting of the The Grand Council shall be public except when: ï‚· It discusses matters that affect privacy. When such an issue arises, the Chairman shall recommend a closed session. ï‚·

The Grand Councilby two-thirds majority decides to treat a matter in a closed session in the interest of public order or because of serious public objections. ï‚· It discusses matters of national security.


Art 6.13 The Chairman of the The Grand Council is responsible for maintaining order at meetings. He or she may, after giving prior warning, remove any spectator who openly expresses approval or disapproval of proposals or causes disorder in any way.


Art. 6.14 The Grand Councilshall meet as often as a need within its jurisdiction arises.

7. CULTURE & National symbols


Art. 7.1  The flag of the URSIDE is a tricolour consisting of the three equal horizontal garnet red, black, and white bands. The inspiration of this flag comes from many historical flags and also micronational flags such as : Kingdom Of Naples Flag, Traditional European Flag, Mythological Atlantean Empire Flandrensis and Bardo.


Art 7.2 The Garnet Red represents the Warrior Soul and it's the symbol of our neverending link to the past.The black bar represents the night and his powerful influence on mind and  the nobility.The white is the purity, the honesty and it's a closer connection to the ice.


Art 7.3 The colours to match our official animal mascottes of the micronation. The Garnet Red represents the Grizzly Bear in the Italian territory called "Orso Bruno", the black represents the main color of the Panda, while the white represents the color of the Ice Bear. Urside in italian means "the family of bears" for this reason we have three different bears as symbol of our micronation.

Art. 7.4 The Cerimonial Flag  is adorned with the marquis crown of the noble family of the Grand Marquis, by a shield containing the three colors of the micronation with a black star in the center, that represent the pure energy of the universe. It's used as official flag as the first one.

Art 7.5 The secondo coat of arms of Urside (but the first that was created) is inspired by the coat of arms of the noble family of the Regent. While the original one depicts two bears with a bomb The URSIDE coat of arms depicts a bear with the motto "Habere Non Haberi" by the poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, which means "to possess, not to be possessed".


Art 7.6 There will be various versions of the nation's coat of arms, as this emblem is not used as a primary. The colors of the coat of arms reflect those of the flag, red, black and white. In the center there is the grizzly bear representing strength, but there are also variants that contain both the other two bears and the ursidae trio.

Art 7.7 The bear species is the symbol of the nation as well as a national animal. Bears are traditionally symbolises bravery, valour, strength, and royalty. 

Art 7.8 The Bear is Sacred animal to Urside micronation. Nevertheless, we recognize that the value of animals and humans is fair. Urside is proudly an antispecist micronation.

Art 7.9  The first coat of arms consist in the flag of Urside adorned with two bay leaves, representing the Greek descent of the Grand Marquis family.


Art 7.10 The Bay Leaves is Sacred plant to Urside micronation and it represents our connection with our ancestors.




Art 7.11 The national languages are Italian, Neapolitan and and English.


National anthem

Art 7.12 The national anthem of Urside is The March Of The Ursides and is composed by Graziano Ciccarelli , alias Wolfsangel Tod (2020)



Art 7.13 Here is the full list of  National Holidays of Urside :  

Foundation  Day  - 28 September - Foundation of the URSIDE

Grand Marquis Day - 6 November - Birthday of the Grand Maquis

National Flag Day - 15 december - Celebration of the establishment of the national symbol of URSIDE

Constitution Day - 23 October - Commemoration of the first constitution 

National Bear Day - 23 March - Celebrates the official animals of the URSIDE micronation : the Bears.

Left-Handers' Day - 13 August - Urside celebrates the left-handed citizens


Art 7.14 In the Autonomous Zone Of Urside, all the festivities of the Ethene and pagan traditional holidays  are regularly celebrated.




Art 7.15 The Grand Marquois cannot be held responsible for any accidents or damage caused by civilians during official activities.


8. JUSTICE Court


Art. 8.1 The Chief Justice is the supreme judge and representative of the judiciary. When he or she is personal involved in the case the Minister of Justice, Human Rights, Diversity may appoint a replacement.


Art. 8.1 § 1 The Chief Justice is appointed by the GrandCouncil for the period of 1 legislature.

Art. 8.1 § 2 The Chief Justice will deliver the final judgement to the Grand Council who announce the punishment.


Art. 8.2 Everyone charged with a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a public trial at which they have been granted all that is necessary for a good defense.


Art. 8.3 Only that which is prohibited by law is punishable


. Art. 8.4 The highest punishment is the revoking of citizenship, which may be temporary or permanent. The punishment is pronounced by the Grand Council 


Penal code


Art. 8.5 Ursidaes who deliberately cause psychological or physiological damage to their fellow citizens shall be revoked their citizenship.


Art. 8.6 All forms of cybercrime are prohibited.


Art. 8.7 The freedom of expression is limited by law with regard to scornful language, inciting hatred, insulting officials, and spreading lies.


Art. 8.8 Under Art. 2.2, A.Z.UR. prohibits discrimination on the basis of the following criteria: age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion or belief, marital status, birth, wealth, political convictions, language, current or future state of health, physical or genetic characteristics, and social origin.


Art. 8.9 The distribution of state secrets outside of Urside is prohibited. The Regent has the power to declare what is a state secret.

Art 8.10 Every other crimes perpetrated by an Ursidae will follow the legal process of the country in which such is committed. The penal code in its entirety in the Urside micronation is to be considered equivalent to that guaranteed by the Italian State, except for modifications or decisions taken by the Regent or the Grand Council. The Regent, as in affairs of state, always has the last word on both political and criminal decisions.




Art 9.1 The Urside believes in the self-defense  and mutual aid between citizens. There is not a formal police security services, the micronation safety regulator will be the Regent himself together with the Chancellor who will establish the order in case there is someone who violates the rules.

Art 9.2 As Urside is a libertarian micronation, the use of the police forces is limited only to the mere question of security, there is no official apparatus, the guarantors of security are the Regent and his ministers


Art 9.3 In the event of an emergency, the regent can appoint an elite of agents who undercover, will assist him in investigative matters and in acts dedicated to maintaining the safety and freedom of citizens. The Elite Guards  will constitute the National Guard Service. The Regent has full powers over the constitution and dissolution of the same.

In Urside, freedom and security go hand in hand, therefore forms of authoritarian and free-killing control are prohibited, even by means of security forces.


Art. 9.4 Urisde is a neutral country and preserves its neutrality in any conflict between other nations.


Art. 9.5 Urside condemns micronational wars and refuses to participate in them. The only exception to Urside neutrality is when another country seeks to cause physical and psychological damage to the Flandrensian people and State.


Art. 9.6 Urisde condemns the use of illegal Internet activities for the purposes of espionage or conflict. If these practices are used to inflict harm, Ursidaes will notify the competent authorities of the country of origin.




Art 10.1  the Regent has the right to bestow titles of nobility and awards.


Art 10.2 The Autonomous Zone of Urside  doesn’t sell any title.


Art 10.3 new citizens pledge to protect the Earth, respect the environment and all living things and to wear the Urside citizenship with pride.


 Art 10.4 The Regent is the only person who can formalize or give a noble title to a citizen or to an ally of a micronation. His decisions are as untestable as the title he will give to the person who receives it. 


Art 10.5 All the titles of nobility, honors and ranks do not confer land grants, pensions or payments of any kind, nor rights of settlement, privileges or extraordinary treatment by Urside.


Art 10.6 All the citizen have the right to wear a personal coat of arms.

Art 10.7 The only knightly order recognized for now in the Urside micronation is that of the ONT (Novo Templi Order), the Regent on this order, being a knight, will not have jurisdiction and will confront the head of this order for the annexation of new knights. to the aforementioned rank.

Art 10.8 The noble titles will not constitute any privilege in the micronation. They are synonymous and recognition of duty for the actions done in support of Urside and his allies, they do not constitute favorable treatment or other favoritism. Whoever claims favoritism by showing off and abusing his noble title, will be immediately disqualified from this title without any discussion or any second thoughts. Nobility is a serious matter. 




This Constitution is written by the Regent , Grand Marquis Graziano Ciccarelli, and approved by his closer ministries
The Autonomous Zone of Urside would like to thank BARDO  and FLANDRENSIS for the inspiration and the influence in this costituition.
A complete specturm of articles can be find also in the "Carta Of Carnaro" the constitution of the free state of Fiume.

The Grand Marquis Graziano Ciccarelli

First version was completed on 27/09/2020 

Official Constitution Day is the 23th of October , when the Urside Constitution was approved by Grand Council of Urside.

FINAL AND OFFICIAL VERSION APPROVED ON 23/10/2020 - published official on the 20th of November 2020
























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